27. July 2024
Binance and Brave Browser cooperation

Brave integrates Binance into the browser for crypto trading

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Brave presented a previously unique solution. The web browser, known for protecting users’ privacy, announced today that it has successfully integrated a collaboration with Binance. The result of the collaboration is a Binance platform integrated into the browser, which allows Brave Browser users to trade cryptocurrency from the browser. This should make trading cryptocurrencies more anonymous and secure.

First, why is the Brave browser so popular?

Brave combines data protection with a blockchain-based digital advertising platform. The platform is aimed at advertisers, publishers and users. Publishers increase their sales and advertisers get better conversion rates. What is probably interesting for most, however: Users can opt for privacy-friendly advertisements, for which they are rewarded with cryptocurrency (basic attention token). You can donate these to publishers, or you can now have them paid out to yourself. If you agree to the advertisements, it is not even necessary to click on them or react otherwise. For every advertisement displayed, users receive BAT.

Unique in the crypto world: browser with integrated crypto exchange

The new Binance widget, which is available as of today in Braves Nightly desktop version, makes Brave the only browser that offers the functionality to trade cryptocurrency. The Binance widget enables Brave users to access the Binance.com and Binance.us websites (for users based in the United States). It is possible to buy and sell crypto assets, deposit funds, and also display the balances without leaving the browser.

This is what the widget looks like in the Brave Browser:

Brave Browser and Binance cooperation

Possible widgets that can be used:

Brave browser integrates binance widget

With the Binance widget, users of the Brave browser can directly access the stock exchange’s website. To protect the privacy of users, the team behind Brave Browser decided to implement Binance as a widget and not to have it loaded as an iframe. To ensure security, the API connection to Binance is only granted if the user has authenticated himself via OAuth.

Once the product is live, it will be activated in Brave by default. However, it can also be deactivated and hidden manually. As mentioned at the beginning, the product is now available in the Nightly desktop version. Nightly is a trial and development version of Brave that is updated every night. As of April, it will be released for general desktop availability, according to the press release.

Simplified access to crypto for mass adaptation?

The purpose of integrating Binance into the browser should be to make it easier for users to trade cryptocurrency, according to the CEO and co-founder of Brave Brendan Eich.

By bringing a leading exchange like Binance directly into the browser, Brave is taking cryptocurrency trading mainstream and enabling users to conduct transactions with ease.

Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance, also sees advantages in integrating Binance on the Brave Browser:

“The Binance widget on Brave’s privacy-oriented browser instills a safer way to buy and sell crypto and also reduces user friction to onboard, trade and interact with the Binance ecosystem, […] We are looking forward to our long-term partnership with Brave to make it even easier to interact with crypto and encourage more utility in the near future.”

You should therefore have more privacy, since tracking via browsing is deactivated.

When asked about security and tracking, web developer Sampson emphasized that Brave does not collect any data about the widget. This gives Brave users more anonymity when trading cryptocurrencies.

Who will benefit from the collaboration?

In this case, Binance could benefit from Brave’s huge user base. After all, Brave’s user numbers are increasing enormously. The company announced at the end of last year that it had over 10 million active users. The number of users alone rose by almost 20% from October 2019 to November 2019. Now the number is currently around 12 million active users. This development could bring new customers to Binance, which in turn would lead to an influx of liquidity in the crypto markets.

Brave also benefits from this integration. In this way, the provider underlines its unique position. The browser is on average 3-6 times faster than conventional browsers and interrupts the tracking of user behavior from third parties. It also rewards users in their own cryptocurrency BAT for agreeing to display advertisements. Classic browsers don’t ask for it and don’t reward users for it. With the Binance widget there is now another uniqueness. In addition, the course of the own cryptocurrency Basic Attention Token (BAT) could benefit from this cooperation.

You want to buy Bitcoin?

Tip: If you are signed in to Coinbase, you are also automatically signed in to Coinbase Pro. Coinbase currently offers up to $ 176 in free coins, including Stella, EOS, BAT etc., it is worth taking the coins with Coinbase and making the purchase on Coinbase Pro becuase of the trading fees.

Coinbase* (Fee 1.49% of the transaction amount)

Coinbase Pro* (Taker Fees: 0,05 % up to 0,25 %| Maker Fees: 0,00 % up to 0,15 %)

Binance* (Exclusively for crypto-invest.io readers 5% fee given via this link) (fee 0.1% of the transaction amount)

Binance Jersey* (Fee 0.1% of the transaction amount)

Kraken* (0.16% on purchase and 0.26% on sale)

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