10. September 2024
Coinbase Coins tauschen

Convert Coinbase Coins to Bitcoin (BTC) or Cash (Dollar/Euro)

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You’ve gotten free coins on Coinbase Earn, or you just want to exchange your purchased coins for another coin, such as Bitcoin? We’ll show you how to do that at Coinbase. We created for you a full guide about how to convert Coinbase coins to Bitcoin or Cash. Whether EOS in Bitcoin or DAI in Dollar/Euro everything is done in just a few minutes with just a few clicks at Coinbase. 

Coinbase (free) Convert coins to Bitcoin or Cash

Anyone who has participated in the Coinbase Earn campaign and now owns a variety of coins worth more than $ 100 may now wonder how he can convert those coins into Bitcoin or into cash. Or you are generally interested in being able to exchange crypto in euros, all of which we explain in this article. We’ll take a look at how to exchange cryptocurrency in cryptocurrency and how to exchange cryptocurrency in euros and withdraw money.

If you have not yet participated in the Coinbase Earn campaign, then you can do that and dust up to $ 152! How you can proceed there we have written in our article. 

Exchange (convert) cryptocurrency into another cryptocurrency

Step 1

Log in to your Coinbase account.

Step 2

If you have logged in, you will see the following picture on the start page:

Coinbase Dashboard

On this view you can then click on the currency you want to convert, that is, to convert. If the desired cryptocurrency is not there, then click on “Discover more assets“. Then all crypto currencies are displayed and you can then choose the desired crypto currency at the latest.

Step 3

That’s it in principle already, because now you can convert the desired cryptocurrency into another arbitrary cryptocurrency. Simply click on “convert”, if not already done.

Convert Coins Coinbase

As shown in the picture, we were interested in the conversion of Ethereum. By default, the conversion to Bitcoin is suggested. Of course, we can also convert Ethereum to another cryptocurrency. Simply click on Bitcoin and choose a different target cryptocurrency.

Coinbase Coins Conversion

After that appears:

Crypto Coinbase convert

The conversion is going very fast. So you do not have to wait for minutes, but the cryptocurrency is practically converted.

What costs does Coinbase charge for the conversion?

Coinbase calculates a spread margin of up to two percent (2.00%) for the conversion of digital currencies. The actual spread margin varies depending on the market fluctuation. However, this maximum is 2%. The margin can therefore be significantly less. Otherwise no separate Coinbase fee applies. (Source: coinbase.com)

Exchange cryptocurrency in cash (dollar/euro) 

Sometimes you also want to convert the (free) coins directly into euros, in order to have the money paid out to the bank account. In this case, you have to sell your cryptocurrency to get euros for it. Then you can have the money paid off.

Step 1

Choose a cryptocurrency to be sold.

Step 2

Sell ​​cryptocurrency.

Coinbase sell coinsStep 3

To withdraw money.

After selling the cryptocurrency, you should see in your portfolio, what can be seen on the start page, the amount of money.

Coinbase Portfolio
We did not sell any cryptocurrency, so in this illustration the euro amount is zero.

Just click on the area marked in green and you can choose whether you want to withdraw money or just pay it.

Convert Coins Coinbase

What costs does Coinbase charge for the sale?

Coinbase charges a fee of 1.49% of the transaction value for all transactions, including the purchase and sale of cryptocurrency.

That means if you sell coins worth 100 €, the fees amount is 1.49 €. If you want to transfer the money to your bank account, then a small fee of 0.15 € is due. This fee is independent of the transaction value.

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