27. July 2024
Free Bitcoins get free crypto coins

Gifted bitcoin: Is that real or is this scam?

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Again and again one hears or reads about many possibilities to get Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency for free. Allegedly completely free or with a comparatively small consideration. We took a closer look at all possibilities of how Bitcoin seems to be given gifted and tell you about these possibilities. Is it worth it to take advantage of the offers or is it all just scam?

Bitcoin desires like never before

Bitcoin is the key currency of cryptocurrencies and is currently more in demand than ever before. The upcoming halving in 2020 will result in less bitcoins being circulated. As a result, the Bitcoin price is expected to increase (sooner or later). The bitcoin price is already just over $ 10,000. This fact already seems too expensive for many to buy bitcoin. It is all the more worthwhile to take a look at whether and how to dust Bitcoins for free.

Coinbase Earn – The best option right now for gifted bitcoin

The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has been running the Coinbase Earn campaign for a short time. Behind it hides the possibility Coins worth up to $ 146 in minutes to dust off!

Coinbase says:

In a survey of Coinbase customers and non-customers alike, we found that one of the biggest barriers preventing people from exploring a new digital asset was a lack of knowledge about that asset. Many of the people we surveyed expressed a strong desire to begin learning about new and different crypto assets beyond Bitcoin, but didn’t know where to begin.

Source: Coinbase

How to do that? It’s about informing you about a cryptocurrency by, for example, watching videos and then answering the questions. As a reward you will receive the cryptocurrency. If you want to take part in it, then read our contribution, as we have already summarized all the answers to the questions for you so that you can get the free coins even faster! (Click here)


Recommendation: The currently best alternative for call-money with 6.75% interest (can be withdrawn at any time)

Bitcoin Faucet

Bitcoin what? Bitcoin Faucet is the easiest way to get free Bitcoins. By mere mouse clicks you can collect bitcoins. This can not be! That’s certainly scam and it’s not worth it! Since we have to contradict, it actually works and is often used by many. Whether it is worthwhile, however, everyone has to decide for themselves. We tried a lot of faucets and limited to 3 (for us best). Our result: On average, we made about $ 20 per months with it. In addition you also get interest on your free coins. Of course you can transfer your further coins to the faucet wallet to get also the interest on it. All in all, you can make bets, participate in the lottery or even multiply his coins with the Multiply. (Click here and collect free coins or inform about our multiply tip)

Tip: We recommend that you take part in surveys, as there are up to 50,000 Satoshis here for a few minutes, as a reward. In this way, up to $ 10 per day is possible.

Sweepstakes – beware of nice promises!

It is not uncommon to advertise lucrative offers, such as getting 2 ethers to log in to an unknown website. Here, the highest caution is required. Mostly, the fraudulent pages that then elicit your private key and instead of giving you Ethereum will empty your wallet. How do you recognize such pages? This is not so easy. It is better to play it safe and do not risk anything. Pay attention to what other people have done with the provider for experience.


We scoured the whole world wide web and looked for several ways to get free bitcoin easily and securely. We tested all the possibilities ourselves and can only make a recommendation for them. The offer of Coinbase, as well as the Bitcoin Faucets we picked out, seem particularly lucrative. So it’s quite possible to get Bitcoin for free. Try it and write us your experience. You still know more secure ways to get free Bitcoin? Then write us this, we will check it immediately and if necessary add to the article.

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